Thursday, November 08, 2012

Woman Held Accountable for Facebook Post

Read this article about a woman who is facing felony charges for a picture she posted on facebook. What did she do to get in trouble with the law? What do you think?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Tech Trends

Read the whole post for directions before proceeding. Read this article about the top trends in technology for 2012. Please read the entire article. After you are finished reading the article, write a blog post about something you can write about something new you learned or something you are familar with and give your opinion. Blog post reminders: proper English and punctuation, complete sentences, at least 4 sentences in length, and start your blog post with your lunch number.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Web 2.0

During the course of the semester, we are going to explore Web 2.0. A good starting point would be to discover what exactly is Web 2.0. Go to the Discovery Education site and read all about it. Open up your Word document with the terms from publisher. Go to the bottom of the file and continue with the following: Definition of Web 2.0; List and describe 2 of the tools found in each category (don't automatically pick the first 2 on the list): Presentation Tools,Video Tools, Mobile Tools,Community Tools,Best of the Rest. Don't just copy the the description, follow the link and explore the various sites. Be prepared to discuss with the class your findings.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Assignment, January 24, 2012

I came across this graphic of the top tech trends of 2011:

It might be a little hard to read, but #1 is Group Buying. It just so happens that 60 minutes interviewed the founder of Groupon. (During the interview, the founder is shown doing yoga in his underwear, but I think you can handle it.) Using headphones from the cupboard or your own personal earbuds, watch the 60 minutes interview. The interview is almost 13 minutes long. Read the questions below before starting the interview. When I watched the interview, it would not let me stop and rewind. I was only able to pause. After watching the interview, go to and explore the site. See if there are any groupons you would be interested in buying.

What is Groupon? What are some of the "groupons" available at Groupon (get from website)? Who is the founder and CEO? How much was company worth on the first day of trading? Where is the company headquarters and how many employees do they have? How many employees do they hire in a week? What is the daily deal write up? According to Forbes magazine, what is Groupon's claim to fame? What happened to the cupcake lady? What is the founder's personal worth after the first day of trading? How many ties does he own? What do you think of the concept of group buying? Do you think it is a fad?