Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fair Time

It's here....The Coshocton County Fair. Are you among the avid fair goers that get a weekly pass and go every day? Do you boycot? If you go, what are your favorite things to do and eat? Remember spelling and punctuation (capital letters on proper nouns!) counts toward your score on your blog post.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Do you Twitter? I don't really see the point, but posting Tweets has been gaining in popularity. I came across this article about a hacker attack on the popular site. Please read the article. Do you think the 17 year-old will get in trouble? Should he?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Facebook in the News.....Again

Facebook made the evening news again last night. A story about a Centerburg teacher ran on 10 tv. Find the story and let me know what you think. How is the school board going to figure out the truth? Is it possible for someone to "hack" into someone else's facebook account? How should someone be punished if they are the ones that did the hacking? How is this teacher's reputation affected? I'm tempted to delete my facebook account. Do I really need one?

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Google Debuts "Instant" Search

Yesterday Google announced the latest and greatest search feature....Instant Search. This article gives you a brief overview of how it will work. Go to Google and search for Google Instant. As of the writing of this blog post, it's not available yet. Listed on the site are FAQs. In your blog posting for today, give me your thoughts on this new feature. Where do you normally start your Internet searches? Why do you start where you start? Remember when you post, start your post with your lunch number so I know who you are.