Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Do you Twitter? I don't really see the point, but posting Tweets has been gaining in popularity. I came across this article about a hacker attack on the popular site. Please read the article. Do you think the 17 year-old will get in trouble? Should he?


Anonymous said...

No i dont't i think it's a waist of time. I think the 17 year old would get in trouble, and he should because he hacked someone elses acount.

11812 said...


No i dont it is a wast of time. I dont think he will get in trobul because it was not his falnt

Anonymous said...


No I dont have a twitter, i have a twitter account that is three years old and it has ONE thing on there a single comment that says "twitter sucks" and iv never been on since. No I dont thing the kid will get in trouble he didnt creat the worm it was tweaked after he sent it. I do think its funny that it all started because he wanted rainbow colored typing XD and no i dont think he should get in trouble

Anonymous said...


I am ashamed to say, I use Twitter. But contrary to most narcissitic people, I do not "tweet", I receive "tweets" from various media sources, professional athletes, etc. I believe any form of hacking should be punished no matter what age the person is. Case closed.

Anonymous said...

I think that twitter is dumb. and is a waste of time.yes i think its wrong that he hacked into someone elses account. but i dont think he will get in trouble because there is other important things out there to worry about besides "twitter".

Anonymous said...


I do not Twitter and I find the website to be a good waste of my time. And yes, I do think that the teen will come upon some punishment for the actions he took. Hacking is against the law and there should be a form of punishment.

Anonymous said...

I do not twitter.i think the 17 year-old will surely get in trouble do to what he has done. I think he should get in trouble because what he did was crazy.

Anonymous said...

I would honestly just give him a high five, and I dont think he will get into trouble for accidently hacking into twitter. They shouldnt make it that easy then, but I dont know how you can accidently hack into something that extreme. I think you would have to put in some effort to hack into it.

Anonymous said...

14760 was one up

Anonymous said...

14760 was two up

Anonymous said...

I do not twitter because i think it is a waste of time and the 17 year old should get punished for his actions in some way.

Anonymous said...

I personally do not twitter, i know people that do twitter and i beleive it to be a waste of time. I do not beleive the 17 year kid will get in trouble. He didnt hack the website, he only exposed the security flaws which at that point hackers began to hack the website.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't use twitter. I think it is a waiste to tell everyone every little thing you are doing and see what people are doing everyday. In my opinion the 17 year old should be punished for hacking. No matter what your age is hacking is wrong.
End of story.

Anonymous said...

I Think it is a waist of time i dont want to know what people are doing day to day the 17 year old should get in trouble no one likes a hacker.

Anonymous said...

No i dont have a twitter acount to me it looks like a waste of time. Yes i think the 17 year old teenager will get into trouble and i think he should because he hacked someone elses twitter acount.

Anonymous said...


I personally don't Twitter because I think it's kind of creepy to know just what someone is doing throughout the day. I don't know the details of Twitter but I know that's the basic idea, status updating. I think the boy will get in trouble because it created so much frenzy but as for if he should get in trouble or not, i'm undecided. He said he did it unintentionally and the outcome was nothing from what he expected. He also knew though that codes like that are dangerous on the internet.

Anonymous said...

No, I do not twitter. I agree on not seeing the point in twittering.
Yes, I think Pearce should get in trouble because of the fact that he hacked users to Japanese porn sites, and took out the White House press secretary's feed.. Not only is it illegal it's just flat out stupid of what he did.

Anonymous said...

I don't Twitter. Sorry but I think it's boring and just a waste of time. I think the 17 year-old would get into trouble, because he hacked someone elses account which is wrong for anyone to do that.

Anonymous said...


I don't twitter because i find it to be a huge waste of time. What is the point of a social networking site that doesn't allow one on one conversation? The 17 year old kid should not, and probably will not, get in trouble for this. He started it without the intentions of making this a wide spread hacking epidemic.

Anonymous said...

I don't twitter. I think this article basically shows all the ways the internet can be manipulated. I think he will get in trouble but as far as if he should, i can't decide. He said it was unintentional, but we all know its wrong to hack into sites.

Anonymous said...


I feel he should and will get in trouble. Messing around on the internet with other people is wrong anyone who does desevere to be put in jail.

Anonymous said...

10511 yes he should because should not hack someone elses acount.that is wrong and mean i do not twitter

Anonymous said...


No, I do not have a twitter account. I think that twitter is a waist of time. I think that hacking is wrong, so therefor the kid who hacked into the account should be punished.

Anonymous said...

This is why I do not use Twitter or any kind of personal page sites.
Very easily someone could take your identity or hack into your personal page.It's very dangerous.I Think it is toatally a waste of time!

Anonymous said...


I do not have a twitter account. I already have a facebook and a myspace and I barely use my myspace. I feel that if I don't really use my myspace account, why should I create a twitter account? I do think the 17-year old will get in trouble because he did hack into someones account. It seems hard to just "accidentlly" hack into someones account.

Anonymous said...

makeup: 12758
I dont think twitter is a waist of time but the 17 year old should get in trouble im not sure if he will. I do not twitter but i would be angry if someone hacked my account.

Anonymous said...

Make-up-11541 No i do not twitter to me it seems like a waste of time. And the kid should get in trouble for hacking into the site.

Anonymous said...

11206-MAKE UP
No I realy dont think it's a waste of time but the kid hacked someone else's account soo therefore he/she should be punished for hacking someone else's account.