Thursday, September 09, 2010

Google Debuts "Instant" Search

Yesterday Google announced the latest and greatest search feature....Instant Search. This article gives you a brief overview of how it will work. Go to Google and search for Google Instant. As of the writing of this blog post, it's not available yet. Listed on the site are FAQs. In your blog posting for today, give me your thoughts on this new feature. Where do you normally start your Internet searches? Why do you start where you start? Remember when you post, start your post with your lunch number so I know who you are.


Anonymous said...


I usually start my internet searches by just searching on the address bar or if it is more of an advance seach I will go to Google and type in on what i would like to search. I normally start with my first choice just because it is faster and i just use the web address bar for more simple searches. But when it comes to projects and more advance searches I rather type it in at Google.

11812 said...

I think that google instant is not that bad but also not any better, it will most likely work about the same as it does now. I tryed it to see how it was and it stll raned the same as it alwas has done in the past.

Anonymous said...


This google is going to be a waist of time. It MAY be helpfull for people who dont know what there doing on the internet, but for the people who do ins going to be an annoyance. You will start typing and you get a list of what MIGHT be what your looking for but probibally not, and who cares if it takes 2-3 seconds less time searching, take that 2-3 seconds to actually get were you want to go not were you MIGHT want to go or to were google THINKS you want to go. I usually use google but i may switch now.

Anonymous said...

I believe that this new feature will be a lot easier to use then the regular Google.Although it seems a lot better, unfortunetly people will start getting lazier and lazier as time goes by with technology. I normally start my internet searches by typing in the web address at the top of the home page. It then usually takes me to the Google homepage if i mess it up.I start there because it gives me my lead if it doesn't take me exactly where I want to go.

Anonymous said...

I think the new google instant search is a new cool tool to makes things faster and easier. Having the new instand search would save a lot of time for common google users. I always go to google to look up things that I dont know this will only help me save time. The regular google is easy to use, but takes some time to get your search of what your looking for. Why wait nine seconds when you cant wait three!

Anonymous said...


I believe this new feature is a great idea for google. Instant search will save people time and make their seaches more accruate. I also believe that google will become a place where people look foward to go when they need to find something. I usually start my internet searchs on google or bing. I don't have a particular place I go everytime, they all seem the same to me.

14000 said...

who cares about a couple of seconds. why would you waste yor time writing this.

Anonymous said...


So I guess I'm not supposed to be content with "wasting" 9 seconds of my life searching whatever I feel like? Honestly, I find this instant search to be very silly and almost useless. I didn't know the gap between 4-5 seconds (with Instant Search) and 9 seconds (without Instant Search) was so efficient and time saving. Please. Is google trying to say we are so busy that every second needs to be saved? Fail Google, epic fail. I'm fine with my current "type what you want in the search bar and, bam you're there!" technique, thanks, but no thanks Google.

Anonymous said...

I think it will work the same because on the regular google you can search the same much and its the same speed. I start my searches at google i start there because it gives me different veriaties to choose from and i dont have to keep looking at different websites and i dont have to keep typing different things to get one thing.

Anonymous said...


My opinion of the new Google instant search is that it will give all the possible outcomes of what you would be searching. This new feature would help in schools for students research, and other activities. Even tho it may be useful, it is going to be the same search as regular google. When I start an internet search i generally use Google, or Bing. I have stuck with useing these internet searches because I have found them easiest to understand, and the closest to what I am searching for.

Anonymous said...

11541- I don't think it's really anything new google is just trying to copy the other search engines and be more up to date with today's technologies. Probly because sites like yahoo and dogpile are using the "instant search" function people are using those more than google to save time. So google is doing it now so it can get some of it's users back. Quite personaly I usually use dogpile for 99% of my searches because it includes results from all websites. If I want a more smaller search I go with google.

Anonymous said...


When i start all my papers for school or for anything i always go right to google. Now that google is alot faster it will save me time and let me get things done alot faster and have time to do other things.I start with google because i believe google can help you out with anything always have the answers and even more.
I think that it is a good positive thing for people. It helps them get things done faster when looking up something.It would help people out alot who are doing research papers or any tyoe of papers get it done alot faster to save time. I also think that google is a very important site alot of people use it. It comes in handy! I think that this will be good for people :)

Anonymous said...

I think the new "Google instant" is really neat.Whenever I am doing research or trying to find something on the internet Google is normally the first site I go to to find information. Soon all the other research sites will be updating there pages with "Instant" to. Its amazing how they can change technology so quickly.

Anonymous said...

14105- I think that this new feature is very usful for google users. It really helps speed up the process of searching and typing really long words. When i am searching in google it is sometimes hard for me because itshows things that people really dont use but with this feature it shows the most popular searches when you type in one letter.

Anonymous said...

I think this new feature on google seems hard, I mean yeah it will save you time,but regular google didnt really take that much time. If you cant wait 9 seconds then you have a real problem, and even for a slow typer it takes at the most 13 seconds, so i dont see the big deal about this feature I think it was made for someone that obviously does not have 9 seconds. I normally start my Internet searches in the search bar at the top, and if that does not work then I go to the Google search bar. The reason I start at the point I do, is because if you cant find something in the search bar, you normally can find it on google.

Anonymous said...


I feel that google instant will be a great help for people like me who have a hard time spelling. So now we can find stuff easyer and faster

Anonymous said...


Google Instant has a lot of criticisms and controversies. For example: it may let you seach the web, but there is a debate on whether the new search is good for users. I feel that there should only be one google, google is easy and simple, and helps you find the corret information needed, this is why I use it.

Anonymous said...

10511 I think instant Google would be good.If I have a project I go to Google.Some times Google takes for ever to find results.I hope instant Google will be faster.

Anonymous said...


Google is the first place I stop to when I'm doing a search because its the most popular seach engine. On another not I dont see why it is so importan to have that much faster of a search result because its way easier to type out the whole word of what your searching for instead of scrolling through a bunch of results that the search engine gives you.

11750 said...

I think its a good technological advance but it also takes lazyness to another level. A couple seconds of searching isnt that big of a deal. It may be nice to have sometimes, but what if what you want to come up isn't there? I think people are getting less patient as is, let alone with a search engine that does everything for you.

Anonymous said...

I think google instant is not that bad but so what if it is 2-5 seconds faster.

Anonymous said...


I start my searches, when I have them, from google. I start here because it is quick and easy, although i feel that the instant search is a waist of time. the article says that it takes two to 5 seconds off your search, well thats fine, but by the time you type each individual letter and read the results you may as well have typed the whole word. It seems like it isn't really making any progress with the web site at all. Why spend that much time trying to "progress" your compony with something so simple as this. Google should spend more of their time trying to find something that is actually going to bring benefit to people instead of waisting their time launching some newly developed search engine that is only going to shave off two seconds off a search.

Anonymous said...


I think that this new feature will help people who have very busy schedules and need to get things done asap. But to all the rest of us i believe it will be about the same. With the time it takes you to look through the list of options of what you may have wanted, you could have had it typed and already been on the website you desired. Over all i think there wont be that much of a difference. New technologies are always helpful however. I normally start my searches with google because it is the easiest and quickest way to get where you are wanting to go. I guess this is an improvement that i will have to get used to.

Anonymous said...

11206-MAKE UP

I think the new google instant search is a new cool tool to makes things faster and easier. Having the new instand search would save a lot of time for common google users. I always go to google to look up things that I dont know this will only help me save time. The regular google is easy to use, but takes some time to get your search of what your looking for. Why wait nine seconds when you cant wait three!