Monday, April 04, 2011


Over the weekend, I was with friends and one of them told me about a post they read on their child's account about me. This mom was doing a random look on their child's facebook page. (If you're wondering, my daughter is not friends with this student so it wasn't her account.) During group pictures, I took a cup of coffee from a student and set it aside. I didn't want the student holding the coffee in the picture. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I guess he posted something about me taking the coffee and something about "could have slapped her." Slapped me over that, seriously? That's not very nice is it? He might not care that I know what he wrote. My point is this, you never know who is going to read something that you post.

Another example, a elementary teacher in New Jersey posted that she felt like a warden watching over potential criminals in her classroom. Moms pitched a fit, teacher is suspended and has an attorney. Her arguement is that it was a posting meant to be read by only her friends on facebook. My guess is that she will lose her job over a facebook posting.

What do you think about the direction of facebook? Be honest, are you guilty of fighting with "friends?" Do you make posts that are for purely reactionary purposes? Do you stir the pot? Just wondering.....

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