Tuesday, October 26, 2010

LeBron James' New Nike Commercial

My mom is a Akron St. Vincent/St. Mary's graduate. I have an uncle that still lives in the Akron area and both of his boys grdauated from St. V. (They were a few years older than LeBron.) My uncle had season tickets to all the basketball games. We have had many conversations over the years about LeBron. When Lebron was in contract negotiations, I was sure he would stay in Cleveland. Obviously, I was wrong. Have you watched his new Nike commercial? Time to plug in your headphones if you have them with you.....there are a few pairs of headphones in the cupboard in the back of the room. Here is the link to the commercial. Watch it and let me know what you think. What do you think was LeBron's goal with this commercial? What about Nike's goal?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Good Morning/Afternoon. Today you need to work on your nine week's assessment portfolio. I will be returning to you papers that I have graded this week. Your job is to get organized. See last week's post for more information regarding the portfolio. I will be grading the portfolios next Thursday.

You may have noticed that I put grades for the blog responses from this 9 weeks in Progress Book. Please remember that spelling and punctuation count. The most common error I found was the capitalization of "I." I should never be typed lower case. If you want to get the full 5 points for a blog posting, you should also make sure that you answer all parts of the blog posting. There were a few instances where there were no ID numbers listed. If you responded and have a grade of "0," you might want to check to see if you included your lunch number as part of your post. If you need to make up a blog post, type the word MAKE-UP with your lunch number at the beginning. Last day for blog make-ups is Wednesday, October 27, 2010.

It's important that your name is included on all make-up work.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Will You Spend Your Dash?

A friend sent me a link to an inspirational movie. I thought I would share it with you. Click on this link. Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday.

Friday, October 15, 2010

To Do List - Friday, October 15

The first item on your To Do List for today is to finish the assignment from Wednesday. Be sure that all the printouts and the directions are stapled in order and that your name is on all the pages. Next, check Progress Book to see if you have any missing assignments. Complete or print anything that is missing and put in the yellow bin. I will be passing back graded papers today during class. You need to put them in your folders. Last item is to organize the graded papers in your folder. Create a spreadsheet that lists the assignments that have been graded and returned to you. Include the grade. The organization and appearance of this spreadsheet will be part of your nine week's assessment. I suggest that you take some time with the formatting (utilize borders, shading, font changes, etc). Save the file as "Portfolio List."

Friday, October 08, 2010

Let's Talk Typos

I made a typo on my last blog post. Hate when I make a typographical error. Most of the time I attribute my typos to being in a hurry and not going back and re-reading and checking before printing or posting. Last week there was a news story about a typographical error on a cereal box. See if you can Google and find the story. What can you do to make sure your assignments are error free?