Friday, October 15, 2010

To Do List - Friday, October 15

The first item on your To Do List for today is to finish the assignment from Wednesday. Be sure that all the printouts and the directions are stapled in order and that your name is on all the pages. Next, check Progress Book to see if you have any missing assignments. Complete or print anything that is missing and put in the yellow bin. I will be passing back graded papers today during class. You need to put them in your folders. Last item is to organize the graded papers in your folder. Create a spreadsheet that lists the assignments that have been graded and returned to you. Include the grade. The organization and appearance of this spreadsheet will be part of your nine week's assessment. I suggest that you take some time with the formatting (utilize borders, shading, font changes, etc). Save the file as "Portfolio List."


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


I will be working on this assignment right away!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ok thank you i will do that