Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Technology in the News

What's new in the wonderful world of technology? Find something new and interesting that has been developed and write a post describing the technology. Try and stay away from cell phone technology.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Here is your To-Do List for today:

1. Finish Excel assignment from yesterday. Directions, if needed, are by the yellow bin.

2. Read Skype article handout (located by the printer). Feel free to use a highlighter. There are 10 points listed in the article. Pick the three points you feel are the most important and tell me why. Create a bibliography reference for this newspaper article. Do you remember the web address we used to create a bibliography? If not, Google. Print Word document and bibliography. Staple and turn in. Put the article in your folder for future reference.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Good Morning,
Here is your To-Do List for today:

1. Finish Steve Job article - 8-10 facts in Word file along with a citation using easybib.com. Key name at top of fact list, print, staple both pages together, turn in.

2. Finish Excel term list. Terms are located in folder by yellow bin.

3. Blog comment from Wednesday's post.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

A Look at How 4 in Congress Use Social Media

I came across this article about how 4 Congressmen use social media to communicate with their constituents. Read the article and comment on your findings.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Assembly Yesterday

Hopefully you were not only entertained by the presenter but also came away with useful information. As I sat there, I wondered if the people who are guilty of cyberbullying were able to recognize themselves. I would like for you to write your thoughts about yesterday's assembly in a comment. What are some of the tips he gave about using the Internet responsibly?

Friday, September 09, 2011


There have been events that have occurred in history that people never forget. If you ask my mom, it was the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. She could tell you many details of what she was doing on that particular day. My earliest memory of an event in history was when a man first walked on on the moon. I was 5 at the time. It was summer and we stayed up late to watch the walk on the only TV in the house. Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the attacks on New York. What do you remember?

According to this article, the on-line blog gained popularity after the 9/11 attacks. Why? Take a few minutes to read the article. After you have finished reading, search for blogs that are dedicated to the attacks on 9/11. Pick a favorite. Share in a comment the address of the blog and why you chose this particular blog. Remember to start your comment with your user id so I can give you credit for responding.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Periodically throughout the semester, I will direct you to this blog to read and post a comment. You will use your student ID to post comments. I will show you the format I would like you to use during class.

Blog postings (at least in this class) calls for formal writing. By formal I mean spelling out all the words (no "u" for "you"), complete sentences, and capital letters where appropriate.

For your first comment post, I will would like you to refer to the Blog Worksheet that you completed. Write a brief description of one of the blogs you found and link to the blog. Please share with the class why you picked this particular blog. Your blog comments will be graded using the following rubric:

4 - Answers the assignment clearly and completely. Uses examples and details to get point across. No grammatical and/or spelling errors.

3 - Answers the assignment and includes a couple of details to support post. No grammatical and/or spelling errors.

2 - Attempts to answer the assignment but does not give any examples or details. No grammatical and/or spelling errors.

1 - Posts a response but does not include any supporting details. Post has grammatical and/or spelling errors.

0 - Does not respond to the blog posting.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday, April 15

I was looking through an old folder looking for a professional development form from a couple of years ago. I found a PD form that I filled out to go to a one day class in 1995. Guess what the class was about.....Understanding the Internet. The description said that participants would be introduced to the Internet, email and gophers. (Gophers came before search engines.) Made me laugh. In 1995 the Internet was new and unexplored territory. Look how far it has come.

I have been doing some research about the next phone I'm going to get. I currently have a Blackberry Pearl that is about 3 years old. I think I will wait until Verizon comes out with the iPhone 5. For every positive comment I read about the iPhone, there is a negative. I'm not sure if I will like the touch screen. Decisions, decisions. Do you have a preference?

You need to have a blog posting dated today. To receive full credit, I expect more than one statement followed by a one line question. Take a little bit of time and write about something that interests you.

Have a fantastic weekend. Hopefully the sun will continue to shine. I look forward to reading your blogs.

P.S. If you haven't done so, please change your backgrounds like I asked last week. Thanks :)

Monday, April 04, 2011


Over the weekend, I was with friends and one of them told me about a post they read on their child's account about me. This mom was doing a random look on their child's facebook page. (If you're wondering, my daughter is not friends with this student so it wasn't her account.) During group pictures, I took a cup of coffee from a student and set it aside. I didn't want the student holding the coffee in the picture. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I guess he posted something about me taking the coffee and something about "could have slapped her." Slapped me over that, seriously? That's not very nice is it? He might not care that I know what he wrote. My point is this, you never know who is going to read something that you post.

Another example, a elementary teacher in New Jersey posted that she felt like a warden watching over potential criminals in her classroom. Moms pitched a fit, teacher is suspended and has an attorney. Her arguement is that it was a posting meant to be read by only her friends on facebook. My guess is that she will lose her job over a facebook posting.

What do you think about the direction of facebook? Be honest, are you guilty of fighting with "friends?" Do you make posts that are for purely reactionary purposes? Do you stir the pot? Just wondering.....

Monday, February 07, 2011

<a href="http://msn.foxsports.com/video?vid=3b21037b-24c0-4748-b056-a8d6c24e0d7d" target="_new" title="">Doritos: Pug</a>

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Class Blogs

I have visited each of your blogs. Quite of few of you have chosen the black background with grey font color. It might be my old eyes, but I have a difficult time reading the grey links. One of the fonts used is also difficult to read. The letters seem extremely close together which makes it difficult to see where one word ends and another begins--the words almost look blurry. Choose your fonts and colors carefully.

I also want to point out the editing keys at the top of your new blog postings. The icon, ABC with a check mark, will check the spelling of your post. I recommend using it! There are quite a few errors with capitalization. All proper nouns should be capitalized. Proofread, proofread, proofread!

Finally, I think about half of you have this blog as a link on your blog. If not, please add it.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


First job today is to print your Notepad file with your HTML code and the preview page from the Internet. Staple both printouts together and submit.

WikiLeaks has been in the news in recent months. Have you ever heard the name before? Perform a search and tell me about the site. What is the purpose? Who runs the site? Why has it been in the news? What are some of the latest stories they have broken?

As you read through your classmates' posts, find something original to report about WikiLeaks.